Politics and economics are inseparable and they are interwoven. We can not pinpoint where the line, which divides both, will exactly lie. So are the results of AP by polls. Polls indicate passions are burning. It has both economic and political ramifications. It is a clear Message to all those who are concerned. Clear verdict. It is straight and loud to those, who are sitting at the helm. A simple message, we want Telengana.
What we need to do is to face the unavoidable. Now the division, I feel, is unavoidable unless situation drastically changes. In other words, passage of time shall douse these fires. May be or may be not. In the given scenario, action is much needed than procrastination to put out these fires. A patient in ICU needs immediate and proper attention. So is the situation in AP. It is already in critical condition and needs immediate and proper attention and action.
The Investors will primarily look for stability and security. Naturally, when such a big decision is taken and separation is being made, normal life does get affected. We can not expect things to be normal and business as usual.
But policy makers and politicians must ensure that the talk of division shall not become poisonous. As it is, the situation in Andhra Pradesh and especially in Hyderabad is deteriorating. No investments are forth coming and existing players are in two minds whether to stay or to shift to a safer place. The procrastination shall not cuase such an irreparable damage and situation shall not deteriorate to such a level wherein nothing can be salvaged.
I can clearly see, the economic situation of AP is already in ICU. It needs intensive care to make it normal. The only remedy, as it appears today, is to precipitate the action. Slightest procrastination on the part of politicians, one can draw parallels to an unattended patient by a doctor at the ICU.
Silver lining
It is a general economic theory that post separation or post war situation throws up lot of opportunities. Investments will come back and come back in big way provided the division is smooth and the peace reigns. To see that day, we need to act now. What happens otherwise? Let’s pray the god.
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